Service Center :
repair, reFIT, shutdown of units, maintenance

Refurbishment , repair, Management of facilities ‘shut down.
Spares parts management and interchangeability, replacement ; adjustment.
Testing capabilities : standard and special tests, final inspection, factory acceptance test with end user and third part inpection (Lloyd Register, Bureau Veritas, DNV , GLV, ABS,….)
On site Expertise and diagnosis, start up and commissionning

Refurbishment , repair, Management of facilities ‘shut down.
Spares parts management and interchangeability, replacement ; adjustment.
Testing capabilities : standard and special tests, final inspection, factory acceptance test with end user and third part inpection (Lloyd Register, Bureau Veritas, DNV , GLV, ABS,….)
On site Expertise and diagnosis, start up and commissionning

Refurbishment , repair, Management of facilities ‘shut down.
Spares parts management and interchangeability, replacement ; adjustment.
Testing capabilities : standard and special tests, final inspection, factory acceptance test with end user and third part inpection (Lloyd Register, Bure&au Veritas, DNV , GLV, ABS,….)
On site Expertise and diagnosis, start up and commissionning

Refurbishment , repair, Management of facilities ‘shut down.
Spares parts management and interchangeability, replacement ; adjustment.
Testing capabilities : standard and special tests, final inspection, factory acceptance test with end user and third part inpection (Lloyd Register, Bure&au Veritas, DNV , GLV, ABS,….)
On site Expertise and diagnosis, start up and commissionning